H.Seabra, Comércio de Indústrias TérmicasS.A., was born in 17 April, 1978, within the genesis of the own Seabra Group. It is the company with the longest and oldest history and the one who has the most market notoriety, sharing now, with pride, with the remaining business areas of the Group. From here leave several projects and client synergies.
At the time it was created, the Government launched a strategy for the creation of a National Cold Network, supporting initiatives, and that propelled its appearance. In Portuga lthere was a growing need for the modernization of distribution channels, anticipating that evolution, Fonseca and Seabra invested in the creation of this engineering company specialized in Industrial Refrigeration.
The company, keeping a corporate structure typically familiar, has assumed a national leadership position in this market, a position it still holds today, registering in its client portfolio, some of the most important projects being developed.
In 1993, in the conviction that its accumulated know-how was the utmost important thing, initiated a process of internationalization of its activity, pointing to Angola as a priority market target, where today is the market leader in Industrial Refrigeration and an important piece in this countries’ reconstruction process. Little by little it has expanded its scope of action, working projects in several points of the globe, being currently present, with an internal structure, also in Venezuela and Equatorial Guinea.